Adding a Request

A customer request is a when an customer asks for something from the association. Requests are also used to track customer calls.

Navigate to the Add-Customer Request page, using one of the following methods:

  • Go to the CRM Module.
    1. On the Overview page, click the Add Request link in the Individuals section.
    2. On the group items bar, click Requests and select the Add Request group item.
    3. On an Individual Profile or Organization Profile page, click the Correspondence tab, click the Add button on the customer requests child form.
  • Go to the Sales Module.
    1. On the Accounts group item, click the Find Organizations group item. Search for an organization. The Account Profile displays, click the Add Request icon in the Actions Bar.
    2. On the Account Profile page, click the Correspondence tab, click the Add button on the customer requests child form.

To add a request, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the Add- Customer Request page by one of the means mentioned above.
  2. Complete the following fields as needed,
  3. Field Required? Description
    customer Yes

    Enter the first few letters of the individual's name who is making the request and click the Search icon. A list of individuals matching the search criteria will be displayed.

    Click the name of the individual making this request to populate the customer field.

    organization No This field will auto-populate with the organization associated to the customer selected. This field is read-only and cannot be modified.
    opportunity No Expand this drop-down menu and select the opportunity associated to this request.
    preferred communication method No Expand the drop-down menu and select the method of communication the customer prefers.
    request on behalf of No This field will auto-populate with the organization associated with the customer. This field is read-only.
    origin Yes

    Expand the drop-down and select the origin of this request. These are typically how the customer communicated the request to the association.

    Request origins must be set up during Customer Request Setup in order to appear in this drop-down menu.

    activity Yes

    Expand the drop-down and select the activity associated to this request. This is typically the action taken in response to the request.

    Activity types must be set up during Customer Request Setup in order to appear in the activity drop-down menu.

    reason Yes Expand the drop-down menu and choose the reason for the request. Reasons are associated with the activity chosen above.
    summary Yes Enter a short summary of the customer request.
    detail No Enter a more detailed version of the customer request.
    status Yes Expand the drop-down and select the current status for the request. Request statuses are set up during Customer Request Setup.
    priority Yes

    Expand the drop-down and select the priority for the request. Request priorities are set up during Customer Request Setup.

    Th priority drop-down menu will default to the value set in the DefaultCustomerRequestPriorityCode system option so long as a request priority has been set up to match the value set in the system option.

    For instance, if you set the system option to Medium and you have set up a request priority of Medium, the drop-down menu will default to that value. If no request priority matches the value in the system option, the drop-down menu will not default to any value.

    If you choose a priority code of High or Low, then that setting will be set on the email that is delivered by netFORUM to staff assignees. Depending on the email recipient's email reader, the priority code might show the email differently. Outlook, for example, flags high priority emails with an exclamation mark.

    automatically send e-mail notifiation to customer No Clicking this check box will automatically send an email notification to the customer with information about their request.
    automatically send fax notification to customer No Clicking this check box will automatically send afax notification to the customer with information about their request.
    date No

    Select a date for the request. The default value is the current date.

    assign request No Click the check box to automatically assign this request to individuals who have been assigned to the activity selected above.

  4. Enter assignments for the request. by completing the following fields as necessary:
  5. Field Required? Description
    assign No Click this check box to assign the task to an individual. By default, this check box is checked.
    route to No Expand the drop-down menu and select an individual to route this assignment. This list includes all netFORUM users.
    priority No Expand the drop-down and assign an priority for this assignment. Priorities are set up during Customer Request Setup.
    special instructions No Enter any special instructions or information for this assignment.
    due date No Enter the date this assignment is due to be completed.
    e-mail No Click the check box to send an e-mail to the person assigned to this assignment.
    source code No Expand the drop-down menu and select the source (origin) of this assignment.

  6. Enter documents for the request by completing the following fields as needed:
  7. Note: All documents related to a customer request are stored on the Customer Request Profile on the Supporting Info tab. You can also add more documents from the documents child form.

    Field Required? Description
    include No Click the check box to include the document with the request. This check box is checked by default.
    document # No Expand the drop-down and select the document (by number) you wish to add to the request. The documents are added during Customer Request Setup.
    summary No The summary field will auto-populate with the summary included with the document chosen from the document # drop-down menu. This field is read-only.
    send via email No Click the check box to send this document via email to those associated with the request. This check box will only display if it is enabled during document creation which is done during Customer Request Setup.
    send via fax No Click the check box to send this document via fax to those associated with the request. This check box will only display if it is enabled during document creation which is done during Customer Request Setup.
    send via regular mail No

    Click the check box to send this document via regular mail to those associated with the request. This check box will only display if it is enabled during document creation which is done during Customer Request Setup.

    You must select the send via regular mail? check box to use this document during the Request Fulfillment process.

    send web link No Click the check box to send this document via a Web link to those associated with the request. This check box will only display if it is enabled during document creation which is done during Customer Request Setup.

  8. Select the member correspondence template to be used to communicate with the parties associated to this request.
  9. Note: Once a request is completed, individuals assigned to the request will receive an e-mail notifying them that a request has been made. The request e-mail now uses a correspondence template that is assigned in the Contactrequestemailtemplateguid system option. You may elect to use the baseline request confirmation template that is set up by default, or make modifications. You can either modify the existing baseline template or you can create a new request notification template and add the GUID for that template to the Contactrequestemailtemplateguid system option.

  10. Click the Save button.The Customer Request Profile appears.

Tip: You must complete the Customer Request Set Up before attempting to add a request. Many of the fields required are drop-down menus that contain values created during the customer request setup process.